Saturday, May 27, 2006

Niche Markets

I always find it amazing some of the niche markets people can find. I wonder what their numbers look like.


"Pimpfants is more than a name, it's a movement! Our clothing bridges the generation gap between parents and kids, allowing babies and tots everywhere the opportunity to hit the playground with fresh gear and street cred."

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm Thrilled!

A great picture my brother sent me:

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Web 2.0 Go Away

If there has ever been any software that needs to turn into vaporware it is Web 2.0. The term is misplaced, has been hijacked by marketing, and more importantly doesn't do justice to the revolution that is occurring on the internet.

The internet as we commonly know it through the eyes of a web browser is going away and it needs to happen quicker. The web browser is defunct and no longer suits the needs of people traversing the internet. The web browser was/is great at traversing documents but over time is being turned into an application browser. The web browser is horrible as an application platform. In fact it just downright sucks. I work on the garbage every day.

The landscape of the internet will be very different in the coming years. I wonder which of the dominant companies will come out standing? Microsoft has a big leg up in this game. The world is about to fall right back into their domain, the domain of the application.

Have you had a chance to use XAML?

So if you are a developer/manager responsible for a new application, step right over and past the AJAX, Atlas, xHTML, CSS3,, Ruby on Rails propaganda and help attack the root of the problem. Start developing on a robust well designed application framework, they are coming soon.


Sermotion was a little site I put together with the purpose of trying to categorize blog posts emotionally. The idea is that someone who writes a blog post that conveyes a specific emotion can tag it with a notation called a "sermotion" the notation looks like so:

Where the emotion represents the emotion of the post. For example this post is tagged with the sermotion silly below because I'm feeling silly.

So check out the website and participate. The first fifty people who notify me that they are participating will become one of the Sermotion Founding Fifty! Now aren't you ? Get crackin'

Thursday, May 18, 2006

In The Footsteps of Giants

Welcome all to my new and first blog. I'm going to give this stuff a try. My intention is to try and write about my exploits while trying to 'follow in the footsteps of giants' as well as attempt to create some footsteps of my own. Every once in a while I will write about some of the giants that inspire me and why they do so. For now however I will just say thanks to the people who are reading this post. I hope it has somehow brought a bit of entertainment!